Jersey City BLM Protest — June 6, 2020

Black Lives Matter.

Jersey City, NJ. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.












On Saturday, June 6, hundreds of protestors gathered in front of City Hall in Downtown Jersey City.












Organizers of the rally were from McNair High School’s Black Diaspora Club, a group of graduating seniors. They wore their caps and gowns and club president, A’Dreana, reminded the crowd, 

“We are children fighting for their rights.”









Prior to marching, the crowd was asked to stay silent for a prayer. 












The rally was organized not only as a response to the “Black Lives Matter” movement, but also to call an end to police brutality and white supremacy.










Many officers stood on the sidewalks monitoring the peaceful protest. Some were dressed in riot gear.










“No Justice, No Peace!”

“No racist police!”

“Hands up! Don’t shoot!”

These chants have spread nationwide in protests.











The hundreds of protestors marched around Grove Street before returning to City Hall.











Protestors stopped at certain points, shouting and chanting as people watched from their windows.


















The crowd regrouped at City Hall while organizers spoke publicly to non-black people of color and the black community. Names of those killed by police were repeated as an echo filled downtown.

Police watched from above.













“Power to the people!”





All photos were taken by Adrienne J. Romero



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